Fall 2011 SAFE-T Update - Central County Fire & Rescue

Fall 2011 SAFE-T Update

For  years residents have been coming together to secure a strong future for Central County Fire & Rescue (CCFR) through the SAFE-T (Securing A Future of Excellence Together) program.  

Throughout 2008 dozens of community members came together to study the challenges and opportunities facing CCFR. Following a three-month course of study the community created a long-range plan to protect the community’s emergency services was presented to the Board.

The board voted to place the SAFE-T plan on the April ballot. The community approved the proposal and the implementation began.  

The final plan was broken into five areas: finance, facilities, staffing, equipment and communications.

As the community created plan continues to evolve, and funding becomes available, it is critically important that the District continue receiving community feedback on the future of emergency services in our area.

Below you will find an update on each area of the SAFE-T plan. We look forward to hearing your feedback on the status of the plan.

SAFE-T Timeline

September 2008 • First SAFE-T Meeting
January 2009 • SAFE-T Plan Presented to Board
April 2009 • SAFE-T Plan Approved By Voters
May 2009 • SAFE-T Plan Implementation Planning Begins
January 2010 • Funding for SAFE-T Plan Available


Recommendation Implemented Update
Ensure financial stability to maintain quality emergency services.

Resolved $600,000 deficit

Improved bond rating

Ability to maintain and improve equipment, facilities, training and staffing

Initiate a capital improvement fund to maintain facilities and equipment. Funds established
Phase in recommendations over a responsible length of time.

Recommended phasing in place




Recommendation Implemented Update
Update facilities to meet the needs of emergency services today and in the future.

Repairs to current facilities complete

Station #1 roof and driveway repair and replacement

Replace Station #2 and #5 in the next ten years. Land purchased for future Station #2

Construction of Station #2 and #5 on hold due to decreased revenue

Modify existing facilities to meet moderate staffing levels.

Station #4 construction completed




Recommendation Implemented Update
Implement a moderate staffing level of four firefighters per truck within the next three to four years to meet NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) standards. Six additional firefighters added
All but one station has four firefighters per truck

Enhanced training implemented

Next round of hiring on hold due to decreased revenue

Recruit and retain quality staff by ensuring that CCFR firefighter salaries are comparable to other districts in the area. Working toward salaries that are comparable to area averages



Recommendation Implemented Update
Implement regular equipment replacement cycle to work toward ISO recommendations.

Design committee creating plans for future trucks

Modified based on funding availability

Ensure firefighter equipment and technology is up-to-date to ensure safety of residents and firefighters.

Immediate needs met

Updated firefighter turnout gear

New computers to improve response times and equipment response



Recommendation Implemented Update
Educate the community about the District’s services and standards.

Increased community outreach activities and programs

Increased e-mail and printed communications

Updated website and social media effort

Involve the community in future decision making. Ongoing SAFE-T involvement
Utilize a number of different avenues to involve the community in future planning efforts. Regular printed and e-mail newsletters sent

Updated website and social media effort

Open houses and community events held
























Let us know what you think! Complete the online SAFE-T Feedback Form here.