Central County Fire & Rescue (CCFR) opened a new Station #5 in early May 2019. The station is located at 3421 Harry S. Truman Blvd. in St. Charles. Construction began in August 2018.
In addition to providing adequate space for housing four firefighters at a time (a National Fire Protection Association standard), the 13,000-square-foot building includes three engine bays large enough to house modern rescue equipment, a decontamination room for emergency equipment and personnel, a storage room for firefighter gear, a storm shelter for on-duty personnel, a physical training room and an emergency generator.
The location of the new Station #5, which is owned by the District, also enhances CCFR’s response capabilities. Its proximity to Hwy. 370 puts crews closer to both Hwy. 370 and Hwy. 70 — where many emergency calls originate — as well as the Premier 370 business park housing large commercial operations including Amazon and FedEx. By moving to this new location, CCFR is able to reach a greater number of people and businesses within the recommended or targeted four-minute response time.
Quicker Response
Calls within the four-minute response area
Old Station Location: 483
New Station Location: 735
“We are so proud to have the support of the St. Peters community as we take these important steps to improve our fire district, and in turn enhance the level of emergency service we’re able to provide,” CCFR Fire Chief Dan Aubuchon says. “This new station will allow CCFR to grow with our growing community.”
The station’s replacement is part of the community-created SAFE-T (Securing A Future of Excellence—Together) long-range plan, and was funded by proceeds from the 2015 Prop. S bond issue. The original Station #5 on Ehlmann Road, which was built in 1976, was too small and no longer met the needs of the community and District. This location is now planned to house the Central County Community Assistance Program, which provides assistance to victims and firefighters at emergencies throughout St. Charles County.