2011 SAFE-T Update - Central County Fire & Rescue

2011 SAFE-T Update

Over the past three years residents have been working to secure a strong future for Central County Fire & Rescue (CCFR) through the SAFE-T (Securing A Future of Excellence Together) program. Throughout 2008 community members came together to study the challenges and opportunities facing CCFR. Following a three-month course of study the community created a Long-Range Plan to protect the community’s emergency services.

The final Plan was broken into five areas: finance, facilities, staffing, equipment and communications. The Board of Directors voted to place the SAFE-T Plan on the April 2009 ballot, and the community approved the proposal. Since the implementation of The Plan the Board and District leadership have strived to accomplish the goals set forth by the community. Click here to see an update on each area of The Plan. 

The biggest challenge in fully implementing The Plan has been the change in CCFR’s assessed valuation. The assessed value is based upon local property values. As property values in the area decrease so does CCFR’s revenue. Since 2009, the District’s assessed valuation has decreased by more than $130 million, resulting in a loss of $260,000 in revenue each year. This is a little more than 2.2% of CCFR’s annual operating budget. To remain financially responsible we must make some slight modifications in the implementation of the SAFE-T plan. With the uncertainty of future economic conditions, and to have the smallest impact on the current level of service, it was determined that large capital improvement projects should be placed on hold, and the hiring of additional personnel be delayed.

What Do You Think?

1. Based on the current financial situation, as CCFR moves forward with the SAFE-T Plan what should be the top three priorities?

2. Does the SAFE-T Plan still meet the emergency response needs of the community?

Let us know by completing the form below. If you have any questions or would like additional information please call 636.970.9700 or e-mail us