Pet Fire Safety - Central County Fire & Rescue

Pet Fire Safety

For so many of us, our pets are like family, and keeping them safe is a top priority. The best way you can protect your furry friends during a fire or other emergency is making sure you’ve planned ahead for their safety.


The National Fire Protection Association estimates that nearly 1,000 home fires each year are accidentally started by the homeowners’ pets. Here are a few things you can do to pet-proof your home:

  • Reduce open flame exposures.
  • Never leave pets home alone with open flames (candles, fireplace, etc.).
  • Secure wires.
  • Put covers over stove knobs.


  • ID tags or microchips help reunite you with your pet if you’re separated during a fire.
  • Include your pets in the family emergency planning and practice.
  • Create an emergency pet supply bag with food, medications, a favorite toy and other essentials.
  • Keep leashes and kennels near entrances.
  • Know your pet’s favorite hiding spots.


  • If you can’t find your pet quickly, get outside and let firefighters search your home.
  • If your pet is still inside, open doors and call to him or her to exit, but DON’T GO BACK INSIDE!