Justin Crady - Central County Fire & Rescue

Justin Crady

Firefighter C-Shift

Served Since 2012

1. Why did you become a firefighter?

I became a firefighter for a few different reasons that I strongly recall. I was raised in the home of a fireman, and let’s face it when you are brought up your whole life around firefighters you can’t help but to want to be a part of that; it is in your blood.  My Dad is a firefighter and the first time he took me to the firehouse and I got to sit in that big red fire truck I knew I wanted to become one too.

The deciding factor for me happened one summer on vacation while boating. We were getting ready to go water skiing and I was with my Dad getting the boat ready when we heard a lot of screaming down at the boat launch.  My Dad stopped everything and told my mom to call 911. He and I ran down to the boat ramp to find a group of people gathered around a little boy laying lifeless on the concrete ramp.

It was a horrible feeling that I will never forget. I felt hopeless, just like the other 30 or so people standing around in shock not knowing what to do. Then suddenly my father went into action. He took control of the horrible scene and directed one other person to help as he did CPR on the little boy, saving his life.

After my dad did the most incredible thing ever, in my eyes, we simply got on the boat as a family and enjoyed the rest of our vacation.  After seeing that my dad knew what to do in that horrific situation I couldn’t help but want to be just like him, a firefighter.  When it came time to decide my career I looked to my Dad for advice, and he guided me greatly. I am very proud to be serving the community as a Firefighter.

2. How long have you been with the District?

I was lucky to become part of the career staff with Central County Fire & Rescue on January 30, 2012.

3. What is your favorite part of the job?

My favorite part of the job is that every day you get to help people on what is their worst day, and no day is ever the same when we come to work.  There is a brotherhood in this service that is unexplainable; this is really our second family.

4. What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work I like to golf, fish, pretty much anything outside.  I also enjoy traveling, working around the house and hanging out with family and friends.

5. What would people be surprised to know about you?

I was a Flight Paramedic for Air Evac 23 out of Troy MO.

6. Describe a typical day at the firehouse.

When we come in we partake in shift change and make sure that there were no major problems with anything at the house or on the truck. Next, we get our gear on the truck and do a good truck check make sure we have everything needed to serve the community to the best of our abilities. Then we usually clean the truck and the firehouse and do any other duties that need to be completed. We also spend time training each day. This is all in addition to responding to calls as they come in

7. What are some things about your job that people would surprise non-firefighters?

  • We go to schools to teach children at a young age about fire safety
  • We will go out and help the elderly, or anyone in need replace smoke detector batteries or even help get them smoke detectors if they don’t have any or enough for their home.
  • We will install car seats for anyone needing that done by a certified person
  • Anyone can come to the firehouse in any emergency for assistance
  • Firefighters stay on duty to serve the community 365 days a year 24/7 no matter what we are here for the community.